Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Gain

Today, we unravel the mysteries behind weight gain, exploring the intricate interplay of emotions, trauma, and resilience through the lens of Biodecoding. Let's embark on this transformative path towards understanding and healing, where every excess pound carries a profound message waiting to be deciphered.

In the realm of Biodecoding, every physical manifestation carries a more profound story rooted in our body's innate and adaptative response to stress and trauma for survival. Weight gain, a common concern for many, holds within it distinct codifications, each unveiling a unique narrative of our inner world. It's more than just a physical phenomenon, then.

Picture this: Like a wise guardian, your body responds to perceived threats by building a fat shield. Our vital organs are covered with fat, as one of its functions is to protect. This protective mechanism serves as a buffer against life's challenges, with different areas of weight gain offering clues to the specific stressors we face. By decoding these patterns, we gain invaluable insights into our inner world.

But fat isn't just a shield; it's also a survival tool. Fat is also considered to have a storage function. Imagine living in the wild like our ancestors and facing the constant stress of finding food, going days without it, perhaps. If food is not guaranteed, then the body will store fat. If we perceive that our future is uncertain, or there may be a lack of resources like money, food, etc., storing fat will keep us alive for longer. Fat is a reservoir when our daily fuel, or food, fails to cover the required maintenance calories. With the same mass or volume, it contains more calories per gram and weighs less in the body to transport than muscle, for example.

This evolutionary adaptation still influences our bodies today, leading to weight gain in anticipation of future scarcity. You may have experienced this in your personal life. The less you eat below the daily caloric requirement, the less weight you lose. This happens because the body is interpreting, like our ancestors, there's no food around, so we should minimise the metabolism and caloric waste. Understanding this primal instinct sheds light on our modern-day struggles with food and weight.

Moreover, weight gain can stem from a deep-seated need for visibility, to simply be seen. Like a child seeking recognition from their parents, our bodies expand in the hope of being seen by others. Otherwise, they could be at risk of abandonment and be left behind without a chance of survival. Once again, the body will store fat for the uncertain future.

So, how do we crack the code of weight gain? By listening to our bodies and understanding the stories they tell. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about embracing our bodies' wisdom and reclaiming our power. Through Biodecoding, we uncover the hidden meanings and root causes of weight gain, or behind any of our physical manifestations, paving the way for healing and self-discovery.

Join me as we unravel the weight gain mystery, one revelation at a time. Let's decode the messages hidden within our bodies and embrace a path of transformation and growth.


Navigating change holistically


The impact of emotions on health